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高分辨率的DLP或SLA 3D打印機(jī)開源圖紙全套資料!

高分辨率的DLP或SLA 3D打印機(jī)開源圖紙全套資料!


(skip the first two pages to go directly to the build)
Please like my brand new facebook page to stay up to date of my new projects and progress on the 3D printer.
We are now selling Beta tester Kits, PM message me for details!

I have to admit that I have not been active on Instructables for quite a while now, this because we (yes it is we now :D) have been busy developing a 3D printer. A 3D dlp printer to be exact, an open source high resolution 3D DLP printer to be even more exact.
We have now finished version 1.0 and now it is time to share our learnings with the rest of the world.

Why did we work on a 3D printer?
Well as you all know the world needs more 3D printers, more platforms for creation, more freedom. More possible ways to show your epic awesomeness in creation. And most of all the freedom to design and fabricate exactly what you need, when you need it without any barriers. In short 3D printers are awesome, you can never have enough 3D printers.

Why did we work on a 3D Direct Light Processing printer (DLP)?
3D printers come in many shapes, sizes and varieties. There is Fused Deposition Modelling, FDM for short this is the category the RepRap community largely falls in to. Your Makerbots and Ultimakers that use a heated nozzle through which a filament is heated and deposited on the desired location. There are various powder bed 3D print techniques, where the powder particles are selectively fused together with a laser or glued together with a printed adhesive. And there is a variety ofphoto lithography 3D printing methods.
In lithography light is used to cure a resin to become a solid, the nice thing with this process is that where the light does not shine on the resin it stays liquid.

We found that there are two main DIY 3D printer routes out there that are easily accessible, FDM and photo lithography.
When googleing the WWW we found that there are absolute tons and tons of FDM 3D printers out there all working on roughly the same principles all producing roughly the same results.

Next to that stereo photo lithography has until now only been made really accessible to the community only by one guy, Michael Joyce from the B9 Creator. This is an awesome achievement! For us this also means that the world needs more and different kinds of these projects to become really open source. Photo lithography is an very precise method of manufacturing, in the past feature sizes of 100nm where obtained. No idea how big this is in inches (sorry people from the USA) but I estimate that if you squeeze your fingers together the space between your fingers is slightly less than 100nm.
In other words amazingly small feature size. We would love to make very accurate 3d prints.
So we based our choice of what kind of printer to explore on the possible feature size, accessibility of materials, ease of manufacture and the fact that a relative few have walked this path before us.

Here are a few things to consider in the 3D printer:
I find that making lists like this before every new build really helps me and the people I am working with (it is "we" now) to come up with an effective design that really meets our expectations. This printer will be a prototype, we plan to build a cooler, better more advanced version in a later future. Hopefully to be completed at the end of 2013. And if all works out maybe we can even get to a kickstarter. (Dreaming freely here)

The printer must be,not in any specific order:
  • Affordable.
  • Open source
  • Compact.
  • High resolution.
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials.
  • Easy to use.
  • Fast

The basic operating procedure:
This is how a Photo Lithographic 3D printer works. Photo Lithography is very simple, light illuminates the resin and the resin hardens.
To be more exact a quantity of light falls/shines onto the resin, if the energy quanta of that light is high enough it will induce photo polymerization of the resin.

First thing is to decide on a light source:
The key part in this is quantity of light energy or Dose, a therm that comes from the world of radiology.
The dose is divided in to three vectors as you will, namely photon energy, light intensity and duration of illumination, together giving the total energy dose. Usually in the UV curing of materials the dose is only measured for a specific part of the spectrum. The rest of the light will usually be reflected or absorbed and converted in to heat.
Only photons with a high enough energy will take part in the photo polymerization. This means that the resin that you will be using is the determining factor in the part of the light (electromagnetic) spectrum that we are interested in. Most photo curing resins will cure under the influence of UV light. Light with a wavelength of between 365nm and 420nm.
Some resins also allow for curing with longer wavelengths but these are usually rare and expensive.

1) One of the things to consider is that in order to be able to print with a wide range of resins we would like as much UV in our light as possible. I will explain this in depth when designing the basin, mirror and anti stick coating.

The other part is time of illumination and illumination intensity. The illumination intensity, or luminous flux is the amount of Photons per unit of time that is emitted by the light source.  The longer you illuminate the resin the deeper the light penetrates and the harder and thicker your printed layer gets. This is a very unique feature of stereo lithography where the illumination time is another factor to consider as this determines the build layer thickness.

2) The light source must be of high intensity so the illumination time can be as short as possible allowing for a faster build.
3) An other thing to consider is that the light source needs to be very controllable in switching from illuminating the resin to not illuminating the resin.

In the principle of photo lithography, what gets illuminated polymerizes and what does not get illuminated stays liquid. This means that our resolution or minimum feature size is determined by the minimum spot size.

3) The third parameter for our light source is that it must have the possibility to illuminate a spot that is as small as possible.

Googleing we found that there are two viable light sources/systems that will meet these demands. A blue/UV laser with nice optics to produce a small spot size and aGalvo Head or A DLP projector. A  Lasers are cool but to achieve a small accurate spot with a galvo system felt to us as going way over our heads. Since non of us has any experience in setting up a laser, laser optics and a galvo system. And having the guys from Form 1 as an example (patent issues), maybe one day we would like to offer the world a kit too. We decided to go for the DLP projector option.

There is a whole world of DLP projectors out there.  
A light source passes through a rotating colour wheel and falls on a surface with actuated micro mirrors. These mirrors in synchronization with the colour wheel decide when to either reflect light through the lens or deflect it to somewhere else. Together many micro mirrors form the image.
As from our considerations in the above we can easily state what properties we want our projector to have:
  • high UV content (determines if the projector works to cure the resin)
  • high light intensity (shorter cure time)
  • high contrast ratio (gives a higher resolution with less light contamination)
  • high resolution (results in a smaller feature size)

Last but not least we only have 1000euro's to spend on a beamer. So there is a financial limit too. I realize this is not a small budget for a decent projector, but if the project fails I can always watch a movie on it.  
In the end we decided to use an Acer 7077365 Acer H6510BD DLP FHD 1080p, with 1920x1080pixels. Which we ordered at a local store.

Having the light source sorted we can now decide how to use our light source in our 3d printer:

Wait who ho ho stop, yes I know we are just designing a 3D printer but lets do a quick google on resins (photo curing resins). We found that these materials aint cheap. So this cancels the top down approach option. In common stereo lithography the light source illuminates a pool of resin from above. As consecutive layers form the build platform sinks down in to the vat of resin. This means your work piece can only be as high as your basin is deep. This also means that no matter what the size of your build, you must always have a full vat of resin. Meaning that if you want your largest object that you can print to be the size of a shoe, you will need a constant volume of about 3L of resin in your tank. At 80 Euros per litre, there are always 240euros sitting in the tank.
To us this is a bit much. So bottom up it will be.

There are two reasonable configurations when considering a bottom up 3D DLP printer. We can either project directly onto our build area or we can use a mirror to have our projector at an angle in respect to our build area.

We chose to put our projector at a 90 deg angle and use a single surface mirror to project a crisp image on to our build surface.
This because we are aiming for a true desktop machine, something that really fits on our desktop and is as compact as possible.

使用道具 舉報(bào)

Picture of Build platform and research
Before you can build your build platform you need to have some 3D resin. I got some from different suppliers. It's quite an expensive ordeal but I have yet to figure out which suits my purposes best. The easiest to get is from Spot-A materials, they have a few.
But here is where we ran in to some serious problems.
Every resin adheres differently to the build platform material. You want the the cured resin to adhere to the platform nicely but not so nice that you will never be able to peel your workpiece off. So the idea is to find a material to which the resin adheres well too, but let's go when you try to pry it off.
There is only one way to really find out which works best. Yes the empirical method, trail and error, to try and try again.
Get a bunch of different materials, put a few drops of resin on top and cure the resin. Now try to peel the resin of your substrate.

some thick sheets of different materials, PMMA, polycarbonate, aluminum, PVC, PE etc etc.
3D resin

Pasteur pipet 1ml
UV lamp (small blacklight does the trick)
bottle cap
Drill press
CNC mill if you have

Ok you really need to wear gloves for this one, 3D resins in liquid form do not nessecarely promote your health.
Put one drop of 3D resin on the substrate ( the material you wish to test) and harden it with the UV lamp. To make this experiment a bit more exact you can use your bottle cap as a measure. To ensure the contact area between your substrate and the resin is of equal area for each substrate. I used a marker to outline the bottle cap on the substrates and filled that area with resin.
Which I then cured. I found that it is even better to cure a few layers of resin on top of each other, this gives you a bit more sturdy object to pull of your substrate.
Once you have put a defined area of cured resin on each substrate you can now carefully peel the resin of the substrates. I used a scalpel as a prying aid. If you do this right you should be able to feel to which substrate the resin adheres best but still peals off.

Now that you have determined which material works best with your resin you can cut out your build platform according to our plans.

05 0002 AB.pdf (104.44 KB, 下載次數(shù): 2259)

2014-8-2 17:28:04 | 只看該作者

a whole page devoted to safety, be safe, take precautions, use your protection gear.
Please remember you have only one set of stereo vision sensors. Though you have two opposable thumbs I find this very handy and I bet you would prefer not to have to replace one of these with a big toe. So please use all safety gear and be sensible about it.

Safety goggles and or face shield
Disposable gloves
Sturdy leather gloves
Earplugs and or earmuffs

Please wear your face shield or goggles and appropriate gloves when cutting, filing, grinding, working with solvents and chemicals.
When performing operations that produce sound, forget about loud sound, just any sound wear your earmuffs or earplugs.
I say this because of my dear granpa, he is always telling me he does not need earmuffs because his disk grinder makes no loud noises. Sure you get it.
When staring at your Beamer light wear sunglasses.

I am not responsible for any of your injuries or damage you do to yourself or your surroundings, but I Will appreciate it if you are like me and try to set a good example. Your kids are watching and will do as you do.
Thank you so much for using your safety gear!

Picture of Sizes and dimensions
Screen Shot 2013-07-14 at 12.15.55 PM.png
So first of we hit a small dilemma for starting the design, how big does it all need to be? Where does what go? Etc etc. ok it took us a day or two to figure our how to determine all off this. I mean the whole build is based on this so it's rather important.

Tape measure
Plain white paper

First think about your X and Y, the size of your build area. We chose about 100x100mm to start with. The build area in the Z direction is of course dependent on the length of your linear slide.
First of you will need your Beamer and your computer to project an image. Place your Beamer on a chair facing the wall. And put the Beamer on maximum magnification. Move the Beamer to the wall until your image is 100x100 and measure the distance between the lens and the wall. This is your minimum projection distance.

Now put your Beamer on its minimum magnification and move it from the wall until again your image is 100x100mm this is your maximum projection distance. This means that in the build the distance between your bottom window of your basin and the lens of your Beamer must be between these two values as your Beamer will allow for any fine tuning in this area.

To work the mirror in to this equation you measure form the heart of the lens (do not scratch or touch it) to the basin with a 90 deg angle. So if you place the mirror very close to the lens the basin must be placed higher above the Beamer. But if you place the mirror further away the basin will be placed lower but further.

Once you have figured out where to place the mirror you can determine its size. We did this by fumbling together a 45deg slope out of some cardboard and tape with some white paper on top. Placing it in front of the mirror at the desired location and turning on the beamer. Then outlining the image on maximum magnification with our pencil. Definitely you need sunglasses for this wauw that thing is bright.
We added about 2cm to this outline then took the longest side as the measure for our square mirror.
In the lab I realized I have a stack of 152x152mm glass plates, these are a bit bigger than required and will thus do fine.

2014-8-2 17:31:18 | 只看該作者
Step 4: Design

We decided to make a back bone for the machine out of aluminium profiles that we had lying around.
A simple compact design. Staring with two horizontal profiles which will make contact with the table to provide a steady base, two risers with a horizontal beam make a bridge over the beamer. To this bridge the building platform and Z-axis are attached.

We decided to use 2mm thick aluminium plate as a base to put the beamer on and an other 2mm thick sheet to hold the basin.

Because of the profiles we are using as the back bone, 45mm square aluminium profiles. We can really get away with this structure using no diagonal supports without losing rigidity. These profiles are really massive and a bit of an overkill for this type of machine.
What you cant see in the rendering here are all the corner pieces we used to bolt together the frame. I will put in some pictures later in the build.

Because we are going to use light sensitive materials in the end we will cover the printer with a box to keep out any light and dust.
3D design made by Chanil Budel.

Step 5: The Bones

aluminum profiles 45x45mm total of about 2.5m
8 corner pcs
M6x15mm + washer 16pcs hex socket cap screws
M6 T-nuts that fit the profiles 16pcs

Metal cutting bandsaw (a hand saw will do the trick but it might take a few days extra)

Cut the profiles to the following lengths:
2x 450mm
2x 280mm
2x 260mm
2x 200mm

make sure you cut nice 90deg angles and file off all sharp edges.
This is actually only the second time Inhave used these profiles and I am still amazed how easy it is to build something out of these profiles. Cut the profiles,screw them together and tada done. Using a band saw and a power screwdriver it took us about two hours to assemble the back bone.
I have added the construction plans for the back bone so you can but the profiles together accordingly.

圖紙資料.pdf (93.85 KB, 下載次數(shù): 33, 售價(jià): 10 熊幣)

2014-8-2 17:36:00 | 只看該作者
Step 6: Platforms

On the back bone we mounted three aluminum plates that will support the beamer, mirror setup,and the build tray.

2mm thick aluminium sheet about half a square meter.
M6x15mm hex socket kap screws 12pcs
M6 washers 12pcs
M6 T-nuts 12pcs

Allen wrench
Nibbeling shears and or jigsaw
Step tapered drill
Drill press
Waterproof fine tipped permanent marker

Pencel out the parts on the aluminium sheet according to the designs. Cut out the outlines of the pieces. The next step is to drill all the holes. For the plate that will hold the Basin drill a hole in each corner to make cutting out the large square easier. Drilling all the holes before taking out larger areas will make the drilling easier. Taking out material weakens the structure a bit so drilling first gives you nice sturdy material to drill in.


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2014-8-2 17:40:38 | 只看該作者

The mirror cradle is made out of the same material as the platforms, 2mm aluminum sheet. The cradle is made out of a square piece of sheet material and a strip. The strip has a hole in the end for a bolt and is bent in a U shape, hence cradle. Each of the bolts is slotted in the head to fit the square plate. A hole is drilled in the side op the bolt and threaded with M3 tread and fitted with an M3 grub screw to fix the mirror plate ( the aluminum square).
Fitting the slotted bolts through the holes in the U provides a pivoting point for the mirror plate. Putting nuts on the bolts makes that the angle of the mirror can be fixed and secured. Putting slots in the bottom of the U gives the option of sideways adjusting the position of the mirror. The slots put in the bottom mount plate provide adjusting capabilities back and forth. So the mirror can be adjusted in the X and Y direction, I'm trying to name things properly. The combination of these slots also allows for some rotational adjusting.

M8x15 bolts 2pcs
M8 nuts 2pcs
2mm thick aluminum sheet

Jigsaw and or nibbling shears
Dremel grinding tool
Fine permanent marker
Stepped taper drill
Drill press
Machine vice
2.5mm drill
M3 drill tap
Cutting oil

Draw all the parts on the aluminum sheet. Next drill all the holes and holes at the beginnings and ends of the slots. Depending on the size of your aluminum sheet you might want to cut out a manageable piece. Mine came as a 1x2 meter sheet and putting a corner of this sheet under the drill press is an instructable on its own.
Cut out all the slots with the shears or jigsaw. Proceed to cut out all the outlines, keeping this order gives you a nice solid workpiece.  
File all the sharp edges using a file or Dremel tool. I found that the Dremel really works on the slots but I prefer a hand file for all the other edges, it's a bit less aggressive.

Clamp in the bolts in the machine vice (in the picture I actually use a drill clamp) and drill a 2.5mm diam hole through the head of each bolt. Next thread the nuts using the M3 drill tap and some cutting oil. Now for some more serious manual labour. Reclamp the Bolts upright in the vice and use the hack saw to cut a slot in the head of the screw.

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Step 8: Z-axis: spindle and anti back lash nut

Why use such expensive gear? Well this is what basically determines the accuracy you get out of your Z axis. Even fancier and more expensive, a lot more expensive, would be to use ball spindles and a ball spindle nut. Just wanted to drop the terms to set you on the track of the uber accurate.
Any normal nut and tread end will have ginormous play. This is because the thread in common nuts is just a bit bigger than the thread on common threaded wire. This ensures your nuts screw easy on the thread, even when a bit dirty. This could give a play of several tenths of a millimeter. Of course you can compensate for the jiggle in your software. But in the real world this still means your nut is jiggling around your thread.
This jiggle room is referred to as "back lash", which is most clearly detectable when your axis changes direction.
The anti back lash nut consists out of two parts and a locking screw. Both have the same thread on the inside as the spindle, on the parts where they screw together they have a different thread either coarser or finer than the spindle.
Screw both parts all the way together, then screw in the finished spindle until you encounter resistance. Carefully unscrew the parts until you can screw in the spindle all the way through. Screw the spindle through the nut until the nut is about half way through.
Here is where it gets a bit trickey and you might want to make sure you can reach the locking screw even in the finished printer.
Now you need to unscrew the parts of the anti back lash nut a bit more until you feel some resistance in unscrewing. Make sure you don't use too much force you should still be able to move the spindle inside the nut by hand. Once you are happy with your setting screw in and tighten the locking screw. We replaced the original screw with an M3 grub screw so it does not stick out. This makes it a bit easier to mount the anti back lash nut on the carriage.

We ordered our trapezium spindle from Damencnc.com together with two grove ball bearings 6000ZZ 10x26x8mm.
They offer the service of finishing your spindle for you in case you don't have a lathe

TR12x3 Leadscrew screw.pdf (128.38 KB, 下載次數(shù): 2101)

2014-8-2 17:44:06 | 只看該作者
Step 9: Z axis

Our Z axis consists out of a dove tail slide, carriage, two leadscrew mounts, a motor mount, stepper motor, motor mount and a bunch of screws.

10mm thick aluminum stock
20mm thick aluminum stock
3mm aluminum sheet
20mm round aluminum stock (or buy a shaft coupler)
15x50 brass stock
3mm brass sheet
M5x20 hex socket cap screws 4pcs
M6x6 grub screws 2pcs

(CNC) mill or a friend who has one.
M5 tap set
M6 tap set

We made our linear slide from some materials we had laying around the shop so please feel free to alter the design and use different materials. I believe you could just as wel 3D print the spindle supports, motor mount and probably even the shaft coupler and the carriage. But for accuracy you will want to mill out your main dove tail linear guide.

You can use our plans to make the nessecary parts.

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DDP 03 0010 AA.pdf (89.75 KB, 下載次數(shù): 2126)

2014-8-2 17:46:47 | 只看該作者
Step 10: Spindle nut housing and build platform support arms

To bridge the gap between the build platform which will be in the center of the tank and the Z-axis we will need some more parts.
One part, the spindle nut housing to connect the sled (the thingy that slides over the linear guide). A smart connection system so we can easily remove the build platform from the Z-axis. And some angular parts that will reach over the walls of the tank so we can place the build platform on the bottom of the tank when we start printing.

Now put all these parts together and presto (presto took us about two weeks) one Z-axis with sled, lead screw, bearings all complete.

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DDP 03 0007 AC.pdf (102.83 KB, 下載次數(shù): 2141)

2014-8-3 11:39:25 | 只看該作者








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