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2013-6-13 16:14 上傳
近日,素有“打假斗士”之稱的方舟子再次發(fā)力,將打假“利劍”指向被外界捧為“3D打印先驅(qū)”的女企業(yè)家傅蘋。引發(fā)此事的導火索則是《福布斯》中文網(wǎng)刊登的一篇有關傅蘋的報道,以及傅蘋在回憶錄《彎而不折》中展示“慘痛”的國內(nèi)生活。6月12日,傅蘋的母校蘇州大學發(fā)官方聲明,指出傅蘋的回憶錄嚴重失實,影響國家聲譽。 緣起
近日,素有“打假斗士”之稱的方舟子再次發(fā)力,將打假“利劍”指向被外界捧為“3D打印先驅(qū)”的女企業(yè)家傅蘋。引發(fā)此事的導火索則是《福布斯》中文網(wǎng)刊登的一篇有關傅蘋的報道。 福布斯中文網(wǎng)的這篇名為《從勞改犯到高科技企業(yè)家:傅蘋的人生路》的報道,是為傅蘋新書《彎而不折》(Bend, Not Break)造勢的眾多報道之一,關于她在中國的經(jīng)歷,離奇得讓人難以置信。該報道稱,傅蘋在文革期間,‘父母被下放勞改,傅蘋需要照顧自己和年幼的妹妹,在南京勞改隊里度過了十年。她在那里接受思想改造,忍饑挨餓,飽受折磨,十歲時慘遭輪奸,被迫在工廠里當了一名童工,沒有接受良好的教育! 在此之前,國內(nèi)知道傅蘋其人其事的人并不多。《福布斯》中文網(wǎng)描述這位高科技企業(yè)家人生之路的文章介紹說,傅蘋曾經(jīng)供職于美國國家超級計算機應用中心(NCSA),工作涉及早期的云計算模型、電腦動畫和3D打印技術;她曾經(jīng)管理的團隊成員包括網(wǎng)景公司創(chuàng)始人馬克·安德森,后者是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上第一個獲普遍使用的網(wǎng)頁瀏覽器的發(fā)明人;她還曾是美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬的座上賓,在美國“創(chuàng)新和創(chuàng)業(yè)國家顧問委員會”中任職。 傅蘋的網(wǎng)絡名聲,很大程度上與3D打印技術的方興未艾相關。所謂3D打印技術,實際上是一系列快速原型成型技術的統(tǒng)稱。傅蘋創(chuàng)辦的科技企業(yè)杰魔公司就是研發(fā)3D相關軟件,從事個性化的鞋子、假肢和航天飛船的維修部件的設計和定制的。就在這個月,傅蘋把公司出售給了3D Systems公司,并出任新公司的首席戰(zhàn)略官。 打假
有網(wǎng)友將“3D打印機創(chuàng)始人”的“桂冠”安放在她頭上,方舟子認為這是“張冠李戴”,因為杰魔公司只是做3D數(shù)據(jù)采集、分析和建模的,并非做3D打印。至于媒體把傅蘋稱為是“奧巴馬團隊的人”,方舟子表示,“她只是該委員會的20多個委員之一”。 方舟子的質(zhì)疑,還集中在傅蘋的履歷的諸多疑點。方舟子在博文中寫道,傅蘋在報道中稱,上世紀80年代,她發(fā)表了一篇討論中國農(nóng)村溺殺女嬰現(xiàn)象的畢業(yè)論文,因此鋃鐺入獄,《人民日報》對此還做了報道。但方舟子在檢索同期的報紙時,并未發(fā)現(xiàn)相關報道。此外,方舟子還發(fā)現(xiàn),傅蘋對國外媒體和國內(nèi)媒體在自身履歷描述上往往會出現(xiàn)“內(nèi)外有別”的情況。方舟子認為,傅蘋向國外媒體敘述自身的“文革”經(jīng)歷太過“傳奇”,并斥責其在說謊。 對此,傅蘋已經(jīng)承認書中講述的某些情景可能是“情緒記憶”,有失偏頗,如書中講到自己在文革期間被逼目睹一名老師被四馬分尸的情景。“當時我還很小,聽到這些故事后,我夜里就不停的做惡夢,夢中不斷出現(xiàn)這種場景。不知不覺,我就覺得自己是親眼目睹了這些事情。但現(xiàn)在我也不太確定自己是親眼目睹了,還是只在電影或者別的地方看到了這些事情。我不得不承認這是一個很大的問題!备堤O說。 此外,還有人質(zhì)疑她講述自己是被驅(qū)逐出境這一說法。不少懷疑者指出只有知名的異見人士才會被驅(qū)逐出國。傅蘋回應說,在草稿中她沒有使用“驅(qū)逐出境”這一詞語。這個詞語是由她的合著者和編輯為吸引讀者而添加的。但她又稱,從詞典釋義來講,驅(qū)逐出境是準確的!叭绻惚灰箅x開自己的國家,而自己又不情愿,這就是‘驅(qū)逐’! 澄清
6月12日,傅蘋的母校蘇州大學發(fā)官方聲明,指出傅蘋的回憶錄嚴重失實,“對我們國家及蘇州大學的聲譽造成極壞影響,也引起了海內(nèi)外校友和朋友的極大憤慨。” 聲明指出,收到海內(nèi)外校友和朋友的來信來電后,蘇州大學成立了調(diào)查小組,對傅蘋在校讀書期間的學籍檔案等進行了認真核查。聲明從學習經(jīng)歷、英語水平、畢業(yè)論文、“手指檢驗”計劃生育等四個部分對傅蘋的回憶錄進行澄清。 聲明指出,1958年生的傅蘋于1978年9月進入江蘇師范學院(蘇州大學前身),專業(yè)是中國語言文學。1982年3月16日辦理退學手續(xù),未獲畢業(yè)證書和學位證書。在讀期間,多次無故曠課,違反學校學籍管理規(guī)定,影響惡劣,學校曾于1981年10月給予其行政記過處分。 傅蘋在書中提到,她去美國之前只認識三個英文單詞。但核查小組的核查結(jié)果是:1978年10月—1979年7月,傅蘋的英語成績?yōu)椤皟?yōu)”,1979年9月—1980年7月,其英語成績?yōu)?8分。 傅蘋于1982年3月從江蘇師范學院退學,所以在畢業(yè)生名單中未見其名字,在檔案中也未見其畢業(yè)論文。但江蘇師范學院中文系畢業(yè)論文都是以文學和語言學為研究對象,而不會涉及“殺害女嬰”這一涉及社會學的內(nèi)容。 根據(jù)蘇州大學多位教師(這些教師包括她的同班同學、班主任、中文系領導)證實,學校從未用“手指檢驗”計劃生育這種侮辱性的手段對女生進行相關檢驗!案堤O如此編造謊言,是對78級所有同學的侮辱!”
近期,有不少關心我校的海內(nèi)外校友和朋友給我校來函來電,提及我校中文系78級學生傅蘋撰寫的回憶錄《彎而不折》(Bend, Not Break)中,有多處與當時事實完全不相符合的表述。該書已于2012年12月31日正式出版,因此對我們國家及蘇州大學的聲譽造成極壞影響,也引起了海內(nèi)外校友和朋友的極大憤慨。
Official Statement on the Deceptive Behavior of Ping Fu, a Former Student of Soochow University
Recently, many of our alumni at home and abroad have contacted us regarding the validity of the book, Bend, Not Break: A Life in Two Worlds. They claim that some stories in the book are outright falsehoods. These falsehoods have given both our school and country a poor reputation and caused our alumni and friends to feel deeply incensed.
Upon notification of the inquiries from many of our alumni, an investigation team consisting of professors in relevant departments was formed. After careful examination on Ping Fu's student record in this University's archive and many visits to Ping Fu’s teachers and classmates, the following statement is being released for clarification.
1. Ping Fu was a student at this University with no degree earned
Ping Fu, female, born in 1958, a native from Nanjing, was admitted as a student in Chinese Literature in September 1978 into Jiangsu Teachers' College (predecessor of Soochow University, or Suzhou University in pinyin, 蘇州大學). During her undergraduate years, a demerit entry was made in her record in October 1981 due to several infractions. She formally withdrew from school on March 16, 1982 and earned no diploma or degree from this University.
2. Ping Fu took English as mandated by the curriculum
In her book, Ping Fu claimed that she went to the U.S. knowing only three English words – “hello, thank you, and help.” However, our curriculum included mandatory college-level English courses for the first two years. ?The record from the University Registrar’s Office indicates that Ping Fu received an "Excellent" (equivalent to an A) and an 88% (equivalent to a B+) in English as a freshman (1978 to 1979) and as a sophomore (1979 to 1980), respectively. ?
3. No record of Ping Fu's alleged graduation thesis exists
Ping Fu withdrew from the University a few months before graduation. There are no records of her graduation thesis, or any related work and materials in the University Registrar’s Office.
As an additional note of clarification, student thesis topics in the Department of Chinese Literature at this University have always been focused on literature and linguistic studies, which do not involve infanticide, a study subject more in the realm of Sociology than in Literature and Linguistics.
4. No student admitted in 1978 was arrested between 1978 and 1982
During 1978-1982, no student admitted in 1978 at this University was arrested for criminal conduct or other reasons, let alone for organizing a literary society. Ping Fu’s claim of her arrest and imprisonment is entirely unfounded and contrary to facts.
5. There was no enforcement of birth control measures on undergraduate students
The University hereby states unequivocally that this reputable institution of higher learning has never enforced any birth control measures on undergraduate students. Ping Fu’s allegation of “finger checking” for female students’ menstrual periods for birth control purposes is resoundingly false and has unfairly sullied the reputation of female students at this University. To further confirm the absurdity of such allegation, the University additionally contacted a number of individuals in and out of the University who experienced and are knowledgeable of the time period in question. These individuals, including Ping Fu’s former classmates, faculty advisors and the leadership of the Department of Chinese Literature of this University, have all confirmed without any question that such a practice never occurred at Soochow University.
Based on the above findings, this University ultimately concludes that Ping Fu’s relevant narrative in her memoir is factually inaccurate and has damaged the image of Soochow University. Soochow University reserves the right to take further action.
At the same time, we would like to thank all alumni and friends for their support and concern for Soochow University. Over the past 113 years, Soochow University has nurtured more than 300,000 graduates who have gone on to make significant contributions for our country. These talented alumni remain loyal and attached to their alma mater, expressing their gratitude for their education through regular reunions and donations, and maintaining old friendships from their time at this school. Not only have these alumni made contributions in our country, but many have also gone abroad, spreading the good name of Soochow University through their hard work and successes. Many alumni overseas have quietly given back to the university in the areas of discipline construction, talent training, and scientific research, making their mother university proud. It is not fair for Ping Fu and her thunderous falsehoods to write off the many good deeds and pride that all the other alumni have done and shared for Soochow University.
We appreciate all the concern and support that the alumni and friends have shown for our university!
Soochow University
June 11, 2013