- G0: Rapid Positioning
- G1: Coordinated Motion
- G2: Clockwise Arc
- G3: Counter Clockwise Arc
- G4: Dwell
- G10: Create Coordinate System Offset from the Absolute one
- G20: Use Inches as Units
- G21: Use Milimeters as Units
- G28: Home given axes to maximum
- G53: Set absolute coordinate system
- G54: Use coordinate system from G10 P0
- G55: Use coordinate system from G10 P1
- G56: Use coordinate system from G10 P2
- G57: Use coordinate system from G10 P3
- G58: Use coordinate system from G10 P4
- G59: Use coordinate system from G10 P5
- G70: Use Inches as Units
- G71: Use Milimeters as Units
- G90: Absolute Positioning
- G91: Relative Positioning
- G92: Define current position on axes
- G97: Spindle speed rate
- G130: Set given axes potentiometer Value
- G161: Home given axes to minimum
- G162: Home given axes to maximum
- M0: Unconditional Halt, not supported on SD?
- M1: Optional Halt, not supported on SD?
- M2: End program
- M3: Spindle On - Clockwise
- M4: Spindle On - Counter Clockwise
- M5: Spindle Off
- M6: Wait for toolhead to come up to reach (or exceed) temperature
- M7: Coolant A on (flood coolant)
- M8: Coolant B on (mist coolant)
- M9: All Coolant Off
- M10: Close Clamp
- M11: Open Clamp
- M13: Spindle CW and Coolant A On
- M14: Spindle CCW and Coolant A On
- M17: Enable Motor(s)
- M18: Disable Motor(s)
- M21: Open Collet
- M22: Close Collet
- M30: Program Rewind
- M40: Change Gear Ratio to 0
- M41: Change Gear Ratio to 1
- M42: Change Gear Ratio to 2
- M43: Change Gear Ratio to 3
- M44: Change Gear Ratio to 4
- M45: Change Gear Ratio to 5
- M46: Change Gear Ratio to 6
- M50: Read Spindle Speed
- M70: Display Message On Machine
- M71: Display Message, Wait For User Button Press
- M72: Play a Tone or Song
- M73: Manual Set Build %
- M101: Turn Extruder On, Forward
- M102: Turn Extruder On, Reverse
- M103: Turn Extruder Off
- M104: Set Temperature
- M105: Get Temperature
- M106: Turn Automated Build Platform (or the Fan, on older models) On
- M107: Turn Automated Build Platform (or the Fan, on older models) Off
- M108: Set Extruder's Max Speed (R = RPM, P = PWM)
- M109: Set Build Platform Temperature
- M110: Set Build Chamber Temperature
- M126: Valve Open
- M127: Valve Close
- M128: Get Position
- M131: Store Current Position to EEPROM
- M132: Load Current Position from EEPROM
- M140: Set Build Platform Temperature
- M141: Set Chamber Temperature (Ignored)
- M142: Set Chamber Holding Pressure (Ignored)
- M200: Reset driver
- M300: Set Servo 1 Position
- M301: Set Servo 2 Position
- M310: Start data capture
- M311: Stop data capture
- M312: Log a note to the data capture store
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