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2016年9月6日,3D打印第一媒體南極熊獲得了一個令全球3D打印界震驚的消息:世界最大的電氣工業(yè)公司美國通用電氣公司(GE)6日宣布,將以14億美元(約95億人民幣)收購兩家金屬3D打印公司:瑞典Arcam公司和德國SLM Solutions集團。 如果收購成功,那么兩家公司就會向GE航空的CEO兼董事長David Joyce報道。Joyce不但會負責讓這兩家企業(yè)在3D打印設備和服務領域中保持繼續(xù)增長,還會負責將他們的業(yè)務與GE融合到一起,通過GE Store模式將3D打印技術應用于GE的所有業(yè)務。

GE收購Arcam和SLM 電話錄音整理樣本
GE - General Electric Co Conference Call to Discuss
Acquisition of Arcam AB and SLM Solutions Group AG
On 09/06/16, Co. announced two hi-tech acquisitions of SLM and Arcam in
additive manufacturing equipment and services.
Matt Cribbins - General Electric Company - VP, Investor Communications
Good morning and thanks for joining our investor call. Today I'm joined by our Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt, CFO Jeff Bornstein, GE Aviation President and CEO
David Joyce, Head of Global Research Vic Abate, GE Aviation CFO Shane Wright and GE Aviation Additive Technology Leader Greg Morris.


Arcam,GE給出的收購價是每股285瑞典克朗,總計58.6億克朗(約合6.85億美元,45.8億人民幣),而這個價格與Arcam公司周一的收盤價相比溢價高達53%!對于SLM Solutions,GE目前的收購方案則是給予其股東每股38歐元的現(xiàn)金,也就是說總共將付出6.83億歐元(約合7.62億美元),而對于這個價格,SLM Solutions目前似乎傾向于接受。一旦最終雙方談妥,就會有31.5%的SLM公司股份轉移到GE名下。目前,這些股份的持有者分別是:SLM公司監(jiān)理會董事長Hans-Joachim Ihde(通過Ceresio公司持有24.1%),SLM公司執(zhí)行董事會成員Henner Schneborn及其家人家人(持有約2%),以及Parcom Deutschland I GmbH & Co. KG(持有約5.4%)。

這次是世界電氣工業(yè)巨頭和金屬3D打印巨頭之間的一樁大生意,這一舉動將會給全球3D打印產業(yè)帶來巨大的影響,是金屬3D打印技術在工業(yè)領域應用深化的重要標志性事件。今天,SLM股票應聲大漲36%。南極熊前幾天同樣獲悉,德國另一家金屬3D打印公司concept laser也找到收購方。南極熊看來全球金屬3D打印格局是要產生巨大變化啊!【GE官方公告】 2016年4月南極熊曾對全球的3D打印公司估值進行排名,其中Slm Solutions 以33億元的估值排名全球第七,而Arcam AB 以30億元的估值排名全球第九。



GE此次一口氣收購兩家金屬3D打印行業(yè)兩家全球巨頭瑞典Arcam公司和德國SLM Solutions集團一定是因為嘗到了應用金屬3D打印機技術的甜頭,希望能夠更加深入地去開發(fā)金屬3D打印在工業(yè)領域的應用,同時也是因為非?春媒饘3D打印未來的發(fā)展,認為它必將成為通用增長的新動力。很明顯,收購Arcam和SLM Solutions將大大增強GE在材料和3D打印方面的力量,而GE也希望能借此得到回報,包括在2020年前令自己3D打印方面的業(yè)務規(guī)模提高到10億美元,以及在未來10年內通過3D打印技術將產品成本降低30-50億美元。

不過,GE仍將保留兩家公司的總部、重要經(jīng)營點,管理團隊和員工。而其中的經(jīng)營點將會與GE的3D打印部門(包括位于紐約Niskayuna的制造與材料研究中心,以及位于匹茲堡市的3D設計與制造實驗室)進行更加廣泛的合作,并從GE已經(jīng)收購的其它公司(如Morris Technologies和Rapid Quality Manufacturing)那里獲得技術補充。

瑞典Arcam和德國SLM Soutions集團也是金屬3D打印領域全球的領航者,在最近幾年都表現(xiàn)出不俗的業(yè)績。在南極熊發(fā)布的《3D打印行業(yè)格局》我們可以看到這兩家公司的介紹:

+ 瑞典Arcam瑞典Arcam AB公司發(fā)明了世界首臺利用電子束來熔融金屬粉末,并經(jīng)計算機輔助設計的精密鑄造成型機新設備。它能用于加工專為病人量身定做的植入手術所需的人工關節(jié)或其它精密部件等。該機器系利用電子束將鈦金屬的粉末在真空中加熱至熔融,并在計算機輔助設計下精確成型(如制成鈦膝關節(jié)、髖關節(jié)等等)。由于鈦粉末在真空中熔融并成型,故可避免在空氣中熔融所帶來的氧化缺陷等質量事故。


+ 德國 SLM Solutions

SLM Solutions是一家總部位于德國呂貝克的3D打印設備制造商,專注于選擇性激光熔融(SLM)技術。公司前身是MTT技術集團德國呂貝克有限公司,2010年更名為SLM Solutions GmbH。而MMT隸屬于英國老牌上市公司MCP技術,2000年推出SLM技術,2006年推出第一個鋁、鈦金屬SLM 3D打印機。主要產品:SLM 125、SLM 280、SLM 500系列選擇性激光熔融——SLM 3D金屬打印機,最大成型空間達到500x280x325mm,甚至可以裝配兩個1000W激光器。這種技術是采用高精度激光束連續(xù)照射包括鈦、鋼、鋁、金在內的金屬粉末,將其焊接成型的技術,而德國SLM Solutions在這一技術上有著多項專利,居于領先地位。其3D打印機已經(jīng)應用于汽車、消費電子、科研、航空航天、工業(yè)制造、醫(yī)療等行業(yè)。

在2016年8月份,知名金屬3D打印機制造商德國SLM Solutions發(fā)布了其2016年上半年的財務報告,再次證明了其猛烈的發(fā)展勢頭:其2016年第二季度銷售額同比增長了105%,總銷售額為1970萬歐元,是2015年同期960萬歐元的2倍還多!而其2016年上半年的總銷售額更是達到了3350萬歐元(約合2.47億人民幣),與2015年同期的1810萬歐元相比猛增了85%!這是一個相當驚人的成績,已經(jīng)達到了SLM公司2014年全年和2015年前9個月的水平。更重要的是,這種增長大部分都是源自其金屬3d打印機的銷售,而過去6個月以來,該公司接到的總共56個訂單中有超過2/3來自新客戶。



1. GE這樣的全球電氣工業(yè)巨頭加入3D打印行業(yè)是早晚的事情,之前惠普/理光/西門子等已經(jīng)紛紛入局。有巨頭加入,這個行業(yè)才能發(fā)展的更大,同時3D打印行業(yè)競爭格局將會隨著巨頭的加入而發(fā)生改變,中國的企業(yè)將會面臨更加激烈的競爭。

2. GE在金屬3D打印技術的應用方面做了非常前沿的探索,尤其是在打印發(fā)動機燃油噴嘴方面取得了突破性進展,嘗到了甜頭,所以收購金屬3D打印公司來創(chuàng)造出更多類似的應用應該是GE想要得到的。

3. 金屬3D打印公司近一兩年銷售業(yè)績飛漲,SLM的增長率甚至達到100%,收購這樣的公司對于通用創(chuàng)造新的業(yè)績增長一定會有好處。


點擊下面的附件可下載PDF文件 ge_webcast_press_release_009062016_0.pdf (180.58 KB, 下載次數(shù): 2147) Final_GE-Transcript-2016-09-06_0.pdf (389.32 KB, 下載次數(shù): 1998)



使用道具 舉報

2016-9-7 21:59:43 | 只看該作者
這件事個人這么看,通用電氣生產航空發(fā)動機,波音 洛馬 格魯曼 塞斯納等飛機制造商都從通用購買發(fā)動機及其配件,其每年的產量受技術和人員成本,管理成本,技術成本,公司內部利益派系限制,達到一定的瓶頸,而增材技術打破了這個瓶頸,通用電氣采用了最成熟最快速的并購手段,快速迎合客戶的訂單速度與質量要求,降低人員,管理成本,打擊內部依靠技術日益做大和公司叫板的派系,14億美元絕對是超值的生意,這兩家公司,一個應該有成熟的生產線,一個應該有關鍵技術,而通用原有的團隊會被重組,雞蛋通過技術革新分到三個籃子里。當然更深的應該是美國政府和軍方的戰(zhàn)略布局,戰(zhàn)時可以用難以置信的速度生產龐大的機群,使美軍變態(tài)試的幾何增長軍力,平時看民用航空甚至是敵國的訂單養(yǎng)活生產線,而增材生產線大多只是需要設計人員和裝配人員,大大的降低成本提高了利潤,美國在第四次工業(yè)革命中已經(jīng)咱領了先機,而我們還在填補空白大搞虛擬經(jīng)濟,花民族資本買西方資本家早已放棄繼續(xù)出售的炸雞鋪,真讓人憂心忡忡!
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2016-9-6 17:15:22 來自手機 | 只看該作者
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2016-9-6 17:52:19 | 只看該作者
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2016-9-6 19:53:32 來自手機 | 只看該作者
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2016-9-7 09:45:58 | 只看該作者
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2016-9-7 11:15:46 | 只看該作者
最新情報:受此次收購影響,SLM Solutions的股價已大漲至38.61歐元,漲幅高達38.9%,而Arcam的漲幅更是高達53%,目前股價為285克朗(約29.8歐元)
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使用道具 舉報

2016-9-11 11:59:57 | 只看該作者


GE Plans to Invest $1.4B to Acquire Additive Manufacturing Companies Arcam and SLM; Accelerates Efforts in
Important Digital Industrial Space
• Expands design envelope to substantially reduce product cost
• Enables productive new model for services cost and delivery
• Lead in design and manufacture of highly valued parts
• Enter a fast-growing industry where GE can build a competitive position
• Leverages GE Store: key strengths in materials, software, and product design
BOSTON, MA (USA) – September 6, 2016 – GE (NYSE: GE), the world’s leading digital industrial company, today
announced plans to acquire two suppliers of additive manufacturing equipment, Arcam AB and SLM Solutions Group
AG for $1.4 billion. Both companies will report into David Joyce, President & CEO of GE Aviation. Joyce will lead the
growth of these businesses in the additive manufacturing equipment and services industry. In addition, he will lead
the integration effort and the GE Store initiative to drive additive manufacturing applications across GE.
“Additive manufacturing is a key part of GE’s evolution into a digital industrial company. We are creating a more
productive world with our innovative world-class machines, materials and software. We are poised to not only
benefit from this movement as a customer, but spearhead it as a leading supplier,” said Jeff Immelt, Chairman and
CEO of GE. “Additive manufacturing will drive new levels of productivity for GE, our customers, including a wide array
of additive manufacturing customers, and for the industrial world.”
GE expects to grow the new additive business to $1 billion by 2020 at attractive returns and also expects $3-5 billion
of product cost-out across the company over the next ten years.
 Arcam AB, based in Mölndal, Sweden, invented the electron beam melting machine for metal-based additive
manufacturing, and also produces advanced metal powders. Its customers are in the aerospace and
healthcare industries. Arcam generated $68 million in revenues in 2015 with approximately 285 employees.
In addition to its Sweden site, Arcam operates AP&C, a metal powders operation in Canada, and DiSanto
Technology, a medical additive manufacturing firm in Connecticut, as well as sales and application sites
 SLM Solutions Group, based in Lübeck, Germany, produces laser machines for metal-based additive
manufacturing with customers in the aerospace, energy, healthcare, and automotive industries. SLM
generated $74 million in revenues in 2015 with 260 employees. In addition to its operations in Germany, SLM
has sales and application sites worldwide.
“Additive manufacturing fits GE’s business model to lead in technologies that leverage systems integration, material
science, services and digital productivity,” said Joyce. “It will benefit from the GE Store and our core engineering
Arcam and SLM will bolster GE’s existing material science and additive manufacturing capabilities. GE has invested
approximately $1.5 billion in manufacturing and additive technologies since 2010. The investment has enabled the
company to develop additive applications across six GE businesses, create new services applications across the
company, and earn 346 patents in powder metals alone. In addition, the additive manufacturing equipment will
leverage Predix and be a part of our Brilliant Factory initiative.
“We chose these two companies for a reason,” said Joyce. “We love the technologies and leadership of Arcam AB
and SLM Solutions. They each bring two different, complementary additive technology modalities as individual
anchors for a new GE additive equipment business to be plugged into GE’s resources and experience as leading
practitioners of additive manufacturing. Over time, we plan to extend the line of additive manufacturing equipment
and products.”
The additive effort will utilize GE’s global ecosystem, but be centered in Europe. GE will maintain the headquarters
locations and key operating locations of Arcam and SLM, as well as retain their management teams and employees.
These locations will collaborate with the broader GE additive ecosystem including the manufacturing and materials
research center in Niskayuna, New York, and the additive design and production lab in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
They will also complement the technologies brought on by other key acquisitions such as Morris Technologies and
Rapid Quality Manufacturing.
Each acquisition is structured as a public tender offer for all of the outstanding shares of stock of each company.
The closing of each public tender offer is subject to various conditions, including minimum acceptance thresholds
and regulatory approvals. GE is in the process of making the necessary filings with authorities with respect to such
tender offers, and, upon approval, the documents will be made publicly available.
Additive manufacturing (also called 3D printing) involves taking digital designs from computer aided design (CAD)
software, and laying horizontal cross-sections to manufacture the part. Additive components are typically lighter
and more durable than traditionally-manufactured parts because they require less welding and machining. Because
additive parts are essentially “grown” from the ground up, they generate far less scrap material. Freed of traditional
manufacturing restrictions, additive manufacturing dramatically expands the design possibilities for engineers.
“Additive provides a new palette for engineers to create. Parts are also being designed in GE Power, Oil & Gas,
Healthcare and across GE’s services businesses,” said Joyce. “We see value potential to reduce product cost and
improve NPI spend. Ultimately, as we develop more productive machines, we can build additive manufacturing ‘as a
service’ for our customers.”
In July, GE Aviation introduced into airline service its first additive jet engine component – complex fuel nozzle
interiors – with the LEAP jet engine. The LEAP engine is the new, best-selling engine from CFM International, a 50/50
joint company of GE and Safran Aircraft Engines of France. More than 11,000 LEAP engines are on order with up to
20 fuel nozzles in every engine, thus setting the stage for sustainably high and long-term additive production at GE
Aviation’s Auburn, Alabama, manufacturing plant. Production will ramp up to more than 40,000 fuel nozzles using
additive by 2020. GE Aviation is also using additive manufacturing to produce components in its most advanced
military engines. In the general aviation world, GE is developing the Advanced Turboprop Engine (ATP) for a new
Cessna aircraft with a significant portion of the entire engine produced using additive manufacturing.
“GE’s aspirations in additive fits our long-term business model. We have world-class industrial businesses that
leverage systems integration, material sciences, services and Predix,” said Immelt. “We want all of our businesses to
leverage the GE Store, promote digital differentiation, and drive productivity for GE and our customers. We are
excited about the opportunity.”
GE will host an investor call at 8:30AM ET to discuss these transactions. To tune in and access additional documents
visit www.ge.com/investor.
About GE
GE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and
solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the
"GE Store," through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect.
Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology
and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry. www.ge.com
GE Aviation, an operating unit of GE, is a world-leading provider of jet engines, components and integrated systems
for commercial and military aircraft. GE Aviation has a global service network to support these offerings. For more
information, visit us at www.geaviation.com.
This communication is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation of an offer to sell shares of Arcam or SLM
Solutions, as applicable. The solicitation and the offers to purchase shares of Arcam and SLM Solutions will
be made pursuant to offer documents.
Shareholders of Arcam and SLM Solutions are advised to read the relevant offer documents, as may be
amended or supplemented from time to time, when they become available, before making any decision
with respect to the offers to purchase because such documents will contain important information
about the proposed offer to purchase transactions and the parties thereto.
Investors and shareholders may obtain, when available, free copies of the offer documents, as may be
amended or supplemented from time to time, at the website of GE Aviation at www.geaviation.com/additive.
The distribution of this communication may, in some jurisdictions, be restricted. This communication may
not be distributed in countries in which this would be illegal. It must not be distributed by third parties
outside Sweden, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Member States of the European Union and the
European Economic Area, and the United States. It is not being, and must not be, sent to shareholders with
registered addresses in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand or South Africa. Banks, brokers,
dealers and other nominees holding shares for persons in such countries must not forward this
communication, or any related documents, to such persons.
Forward-looking information
This communication includes "forward-looking statements" – that is, statements related to future, not past, events. In
this context, forward-looking statements often address GE Group’s expected future business and financial performance
and financial condition, and often contain words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” "see,”
“will,” “would,” or “target.”
Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, and involve known
and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond GE Group’s control and all of which are based on GE
Group management's current beliefs and expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements include
all matters that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements may and often do differ materially from actual
results. No assurance can be given that such future results will be achieved. These or other uncertainties may cause GE
Group’s actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in GE Group’s forward-looking statements.
GE Group does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements.
These risks, uncertainties and assumptions include, but are not limited to, satisfaction of the minimum acceptance
condition for each offer, the ability of GE to obtain the requisite regulatory approvals required to complete the offers to
purchase, the satisfaction of the other conditions to the consummation of the proposed transactions, the timing of
completion of the proposed offers to purchase, and the impact of the announcement or consummation of the proposed
transactions on the relationships of GE Group and Arcam or SLM Solutions, including with employees, suppliers and
customers. In addition, there can be no assurance that the offers to purchase will result in the consummation of an
acquisition of Arcam or SLM Solutions. These and other important factors, including those discussed under “Risk Factors”
included in GE Group’s Consolidated Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015, may cause GE
Group's actual events or results to differ materially from any future results, performances or achievements expressed or
implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this communication. Such forward-looking statements
contained in this communication speak only as of the date of this communication. GE Group expressly disclaims any
obligation or undertaking to update these forward-looking statements contained in this communication to reflect any
change in GE Group’s expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which such statements are
based unless required to do so by applicable law.
More detailed information about these and other factors is set forth in the Annual Report on Form 10-K
which is available on the GE Group Investor Relations website at http://www.ge.com/investor and has also
been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Media Contact:
Rick Kennedy
+1 513 607 0609
Investor Contact:
Matt Cribbins
+1 617 443 3003
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使用道具 舉報

2016-9-11 12:01:52 | 只看該作者



This document contains "forward-looking statements" – that is, statements related to future events that by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees,
uncertain. For details on the uncertainties that may cause our actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in our forward-looking statements, see
http://www.ge.com/investor-relat ... -looking-statements as well as our annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-
Q. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements. This document also includes certain forward-looking projected financial information that is based on current
estimates and forecasts. Actual results could differ materially.
In this document, we sometimes use information derived from consolidated financial data but not presented in our financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Certain of these data are considered “non-GAAP financial measures” under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules.
These non-GAAP financial measures supplement our GAAP disclosures and should not be considered an alternative to the GAAP measure. The reasons we use these non-GAAP
financial measures and the reconciliations to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures are posted to the investor relations section of our website at www.ge.com.
We use non-GAAP financial measures including the following.
• Operating earnings and EPS, which is earnings from continuing operations excluding non-service-related pension costs of our principal pension plans.
• GE Industrial operating & Verticals earnings and EPS, which is operating earnings of our industrial businesses and the GE Capital businesses that we expect to retain.
• GE Industrial & Verticals revenues, which is revenue of our industrial businesses and the GE Capital businesses that we expect to retain.
• Industrial segment organic revenue, which is the sum of revenue from all of our industrial segments less the effects of acquisitions/dispositions and currency
• Industrial segment organic operating profit, which is the sum of segment profit from all of our industrial segments less the effects of acquisitions/dispositions and
currency exchange.
• Industrial cash flows from operating activities (Industrial CFOA), which is GE’s cash flow from operating activities excluding dividends received from GE Capital.
• Capital ending net investment (ENI), excluding liquidity, which is a measure we use to measure the size of our Capital segment.
• GE Capital Tier 1 Common ratio estimate is a ratio of equity to total risk-weighted assets .
General Electric Capital Corporation (GECC) has been merged into GE and our financial services business is now operated by GE Capital Global Holdings LLC (GECGH). In this
document, we refer to GECC and GECGH as “GE Capital”. We refer to the industrial businesses of the Company including GE Capital on an equity basis as “GE”. “GE (ex-GE
Capital)” and /or “Industrial” refer to GE excluding GE Capital. Our financial services segment previously referred to as GE Capital is now referred to as Capital.

SEPTEMBER 06, 2016 / 12:30PM GMT, GE - General Electric Co Conference Call to Discuss
Acquisition of Arcam AB and SLM Solutions Group AG
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Matt Cribbins General Electric Company - VP, Investor Communications
Jeff Immelt General Electric Company - Chairman & CEO
David Joyce General Electric Company - SVP & President and CEO, GE Aviation
Greg Morris General Electric Company - GE Aviation Additive Technology Leader
Vic Abate General Electric Company - SVP & Chief Technology Officer
Jeff Bornstein General Electric Company - SVP & CFO
Andrew Kaplowitz Citigroup - Analyst
Julian Mitchell Credit Suisse - Analyst
Joe Ritchie Goldman Sachs - Analyst
Deane Dray RBC Capital Markets - Analyst
Andrew Obin BofA Merrill Lynch - Analyst
Nigel Coe Morgan Stanley - Analyst
Gautam Khanna Cowen and Company - Analyst
Jeff Sprague Vertical Research Partners - Analyst
Steve Tusa JPMorgan - Analyst
Good day ladies and gentlemen and welcome to GE's additive manufacturing investor meeting.
(Operator Instructions)
As a reminder, this conference is being recorded. I would now like to turn the program over to your host for today's conference, Matt Cribbins, Vice President of
Investor Communications. Please proceed.
Matt Cribbins - General Electric Company - VP, Investor Communications
Good morning and thanks for joining our investor call. Today I'm joined by our Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt, CFO Jeff Bornstein, GE Aviation President and CEO
David Joyce, Head of Global Research Vic Abate, GE Aviation CFO Shane Wright and GE Aviation Additive Technology Leader Greg Morris. Earlier today we posted
the press release and presentation on our investor website at www.GE.com/investor.
As a reminder, elements of this presentation are forward-looking and are based on our best view of the world and our businesses as we see them today. As described in
our SEC filings and on our website, those elements can change as the world changes.
Now with that I will turn it over to Jeff.

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